Bring-Down Search | Propertylogy

Bring-Down Search

By on October 15, 2019

A bring-down search describes the continuation of due diligence in the area of additional title search before the recording of the deed or mortgage.

This search addresses the time gap between the original title search and the deed recording to ensure that no liens or other claims has been placed on a property during that time period before closing.

One can never be too careful when dealing with real estate investments.

And this extra step can give a buyer extra peace of mind in finalizing the transaction.

This is also sometimes called a continuation or a take-down search.

Because a bring-down search is an additional step in the title diligence process to protect the buyer, the fees for this service is almost always paid for by the buyer.

Even with so much work put into title investigation, don’t forget that title insurance can still play a critical role in protecting your investment.

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