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Congregate Housing
Congregate housing is a type of living arrangement whereby residents have their own private areas like bedrooms, but with shared common space like doing areas.
Sometimes also referred to as supported housing, it is somewhat similar to dorm rooms, elderly care centers, bed and breakfast hostels, etc.
They are able to serve the needs of those who need their own personal space but require help or assistance for things like cooking.
It also provides a chance to socialize with other residents as they are bound to bump into each other in the common space.
There are businesses built around congregate housing. Homes for the elderly is an example as mentioned earlier. More and more of these establishments are set up to cater to the different niches of people who have special needs like the disabled.
However, do note that congregate housing is not limited to special care facilities.
It is a common set up of hostels.
In fact, if you have housemates, it can also be considered a form of congregate housing as you are sharing the same kitchen, living room, and other common space while having your own private bedrooms.